Round 1: Waving hello to the 2,583,064 ‘I Will NOT vote for Obama in 2012’ members

One thing that I want to make very clear before we get started in earnest is that I am CHERRY-PICKING the most offensive, the most befuddling, and the most egregious sufferers of Obama Rage Syndrome among the many anti-Obama pages on Facebook. Not liking Obama is not enough to find yourself studied here at ORS Institute. Some people can actually not like a certain political candidate and be reasonable about the whole thing. In these forums, some people limit themselves to positive messages about the candidate (a Mr. Willard ‘Mitt’ Romney) that they DO like. Or they’ll write relatively meaningless platitudes. Good for them. Those normal people have no business here and can get the hell out.

I’m in the business of highlighting the truly unbelievable, the truly amazing. A Barnum & Bailey-esque circus of freaks, if you will. I’m sorry, that’s indelicate. Those in the direst need of help, I mean to say. These people are not indicative of the entirety of Obama dislikers. But they ARE out there. And now I have brought them here; for your amusement, your pity, and your disbelieving incredulity.

First off, I thought I would start big. The Facebook page ‘I will NOT vote for Obama in 2012’ has, as of this writing, 2,574,861 ‘Likes’. It is one of the largest, if not THE largest, anti-Obama forum on Facebook. If you think this might possibly make it a breeding ground for some truly sick ORS sufferers, then you’ve been reading the words I’m writing!

So without further adieu, let the rage begin! (Hilarious note: None of the grammar, punctuation, or spelling have been changed in these posts. I wouldn’t deprive my readers of the comedy therein.)


A post on October 24 about a Rasmussen Reports poll that showed a tightening of the presidential race in Ohio was quite popular with ‘I will NOT vote…’ readers. Besides the good news, it also gave rise to a flurry of breathless condemnations of the POTUS. All of these comments were found on this single thread…

Brett S can’t take it anymore.

“I just can’t wrap my head around why there are so many stupid people voting for Obama. It’s like you have to pay absolutely no attention to anything, or be completely brainwashed so that your view of the world is a complete fantasy. Nobody should be voting for this fucking guy. I’m beyond being friendly about it. We can’t agree to disagree. His plans don’t match up with anybody’s. They’re just being fucking lied to and they don’t care.”

Ronnie B. says some words.

“ohio obama is moveing out of nc . they done there deed yallget off your ass and get this lier called obama out .”

Slick C. probably shouldn’t have made fun of liberals supposedly not understanding certain words.

“lot of lies have been told by obummer of what he got when took over from bush. was bad, not as bad as he says and he made it much, much, worse. so u libbers needs more than a life. u need to think and read for self. ole cue ball has it right; libbers can not and wil not think for self. needs somone to explain what word is, is means and u still do not get it.”

Melissa C. has a few years of Glenn Beck on her DVR for when things get rough.

“Louann I agree – my husband and I decided if he is re-elected 11/7 we are pulling our money out and buying gold. Because the dollar will be the next thing to be worthless and he’s not stealing it from us!”

Wendy H. brings the doom-and-gloom.

“Ohioans: Wake Up! SEE OBAMA’S AMERICA 2016….He is an IMPOSTER! Get him out now, before he becomes YOUR DICTATOR! How can you endorse Obama if Hugo Chavez, and Fidel Castro ENDORSE him? Where there’s smoke there’s FIRE! PLEASE SEE THE MOVIE BEFORE YOU VOTE! Obama is using the economy as a weapon of mass destruction, and it is happening before our very eyes! Romney/Ryan is THE LAST LIFEBOAT for America!”

Rose M. sidesteps the tired Hitler/Obama correlation and instead makes a fairly-rare Jim Jones reference! (Oh, and Hitler.)

“Well I have decided that the people that believe in Barack will be needing a lot of help in the near future. Go look what Hitler and Jimmy Jones did???”

Nathan M. gets right to the point.

“Obama is demon possessed! !!”

Glenda F. would like you to think about the children.

“Ohio if you All Love your children and Grandchildren Please Vote for Romney and Rhyn. If you don’t vote for them your children and grandchildren will never get to live in a Free America. They will be living in a Communist world. Soooo sad that this is going to happen. Because some people are blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other one. Obama is a Islamic Muslim. If he gets in again we as Americans will be living under a Dictator. Guess who it will be? OBAMA. So I beg you dear people of Ohio to vote for Romney and Rhyn —-LAND OF THE FREE!!!!! Don’t give your body,spirit,soul to the Muslims !!!!! Vote to help your Children and Grandchildren stay FREE!!!!”

Tracy P. goes all ‘Internet Tough Guy’ on yo azz.

“Isslamic jeehodist mudslims extremest see you at my door got a present for you its hot and fast fit right up that big pig loving nose ya got”

Susie T. knows that potential dictators only go all dictatory after they’ve won TWO elections.

“If Obama wins he won’t have to answer to the voters. He’ll be in forever because he will become dictator. Romney will win!”

Lisa G. A. would like to remind you about the time Obama gave the order to kill Bin Laden from the Tonight Show set.

“Obama’s agenda is to destroy America, wake up people!!!! He does not care about the country he is serving. All he has done is take vacations and go on talk shows”

Wendy H. is back, adding some saber rattling into the mix.

“The only thing Obama has successfully done in his “Presidency”… Is DIVIDE this Country!! A real leader unites! Romney/Ryan… The last life boat for our sinking USA ship!! How this Country ever let him in to begin with, I will never know!! I NEVER voted for him- the MSM never vetted him, rather , swept everything under the rug in 2008. I hold them and every Obama voter responsible for this travesty that we are in today!! If He does weasel his way back in, it will be illegally, and I for one, hope for an all out civil war!!!”

Judy F. F. just watched a important movie that only came out about 35 years ago and everyone needs to hear about it!

“My parents are in their 80’s, democrats and will not go against their party. They are so unenformed it is scary to think that our seniors might give Obama 4 more years. 4 more years of Obama makes me think of the movie, “Planet of the Apes” with Charlton Heston and what he says at the end of the movie. He is in N.Y City. and you see part of the Statue of Liberty coming out of the ocean and Heston says, “they did it, they finally did it.” America had been bombed by a Nucular bomb.”

Wendy P. tries her hand at respecting the office of the Presidency.

“I wouldn’t vote for Obama with a gun stuck down my throat! Fucking loser!!”

Emily B. knows you’re rotten if you don’t have a wholesome American name.

“I didn’t vote for him – Why would anyone vote for someone named Barack Hussien Obama for an AMERICAN President”

John B. warns the poor Obama voters who blindly approach the Pit of Fire.

“Obama is insecure with himself and lived a life of lies. Even he is unsure who he is. Those that follow him will follow an empty shadow into hell”

Finally, Robert B. can’t contain his glee when thinking about stringing up a President of the United States.

“The only thing I would vote for on Obama is to hang him! lol”


Thanks, folks. Hope you enjoyed the inaugural study session of Obama Rage Syndrome. If you have any thoughts, kudos, criticism, suggestions, or profane tips regarding a certain body part I can stick up another certain body part, please comment below. Until next time.